A common question that comes up all the time is that people wonder if there are any legitimate free ways to make money online. Now I'm not going to go into the deeper issue of what they are really asking from a subconscious level, so I'm going to do my best to answer this from a simple perspective.
The answer really depends on how you define the word free.
If you define the word free by just meaning that it doesn't cost you any money, then yes, there are lots of free ways to make money online. There's article marketing, there's social media, there's free services to host websites for you, and so on. I could give you a million examples of 'free' ways to make money online, provided you actually know what you're doing.
On the other hand, if someone asks the same question with the idea that you can do a 'set it and forget it' approach to making money online, then the answer is a resounding no. What usually doesn't cost you real money will cost you time.
In my opinion, there's no such thing as a free way to make money online. That idea is just absurd. To make money online and to be successful at anything, there's a price to pay. Whether that price is money, time or both, nothing will be ever be free.
In fact, if you ask any successful Internet marketer, they will all tell you there's no such thing as a free way to make money.
If you really asked them how they got to the place they're at today, they'll all tell you the same thing... that the road was incredibly difficult, the journey was filled with lots of ups and downs, and that they lost thousands of dollars figuring stuff out.
Think about it. What have you accomplished in life that was significant to you? Did it just happen automatically, or did you have to work at it? I bet you put in some blood, sweat and tears. If you have a job, do you get paid automatically, or do you have to show up and actually perform work to get paid? You don't need to answer that.
So the idea of free ways to make money online sounds nice, but it's not realistic. A lot of marketers use this term to help them sell their products, but the reality is there's always a cost to anything.
Besides, if there was a free way that actually worked, wouldn't everyone already be doing it?
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Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert
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